Janine Bagnoli

Team und Coaches
Invoice Management
"It's never too late to be who you could be."
George Eliot
Task area
- Contact person for our customers on the topic of invoicing
- Office Management
- Certified dog trainer and behavior therapist
- Veterinary nurse
Peyman Bieglari

Team und Coaches
Consulting, customer service
"And in every beginning there is a magic that protects us and helps us to live."
Hermann Hesse
Task area
- Conception of workshops, trainings and seminars
- Conception of team development measures and leadership trainings
- Advise clients on requests related to formats such as trainings, workshops, coaching, etc.
- Clarification of order and preparation of offer
- Graduate in business administration (TH)
- Diploma Systemic Coach
- Performance Coach
- Current: Systemic consulting and organizational development (training)
Julia Becker

Team und Coaches
Consulting, customer service
"It's never too late to be who you could be."
George Eliot
Task area
- Creation of concepts for workshops, team development measures and leadership trainings
- Coordination of the continuing education Systemic Consulting and Organizational Development
- Current: Master studies in psychology
- B.Sc. Psychology
- Certified occupational therapist with 15 years of experience in clinics and practices.
- Systemic consultant recognized by the DGSF
- Stress Management Trainer
Nicole Fiala
Focus of work
- Order processing, preparation of quotations, invoicing
- Organization and coordination of training courses and seminars
- Contact person for questions concerning the coaching trainings
- Supervision of trainers and coaches
- Creation of concepts for workshops, team development measures and
- Leadership training
- Businesswoman in wholesale and foreign trade
- 20 years of professional experience in customer service
- state pr. Business economist / Marketing
Cordula Rosenfeld

Team und Coaches
Teaching coach, coach, facilitator, trainer
"If you always try to be normal, you'll never realize how amazing you are."
Maya Angelou
My enthusiasm is to combine individuality and togetherness and to enable new movements. In doing so, each movement starts with the individual - so more impact can be achieved with less effort. My strength lies in the combination of structure-giving directional power and emotional developmental space.
Short and sweet
- Yr. 1966., certif. Business coach and systemic consultant
- Teaching coach in the advanced training course "Systemic Coaching and
Change Management" - Since 2013 experience as coach, trainer and organizational developer
- More than 20 years of experience as a business executive: building a
medium-sized company, personnel management and personnel development, implementation of change processes, implementation of guidelines and management principles
Professional career
- Since 2014 facilitator, executive coach, trainer and process facilitator at WANDELPLAN.
- Since 1988 more than 20 years working in the economy in the group and in medium-sized companies
- From 1990 - 1994 marketing management in an internationally operating group in the consumer goods industry
- 1994 Establishment of a medium-sized company
- From 2000 - 2011 Marketing Director in a medium-sized company (100 employees)
Focus of work
- Coaching of middle and top management
- Team coaching
- Facilitation | workshops for team development, cultural development processes, strategy, conferences, large group events (open space, World Café)
- Training | Communication, Conflict Management, Leadership, Health, Self-Management, Emotion Management
- Organizational development and support of change processes
- Culture development, reorganization, mission statement development and implementation, value development, strategy development.
Further education
- Systemic consulting and process support (certified), Institute Almut Probst
- Systemic Coaching and Change Management, Institute Almut Probst
(Continuing education recognized by DBVC and IOBC) - Online Facilitation (Facilitation academy, Berlin)
- Hypnosystemic communication, MEG
- NLP Systems, Thies Stahl
- Integrative leadership training (certified), SONNOS
- Spiral Dynamics (Chris Cowan, SDL1 and SDL2 certified)
- European Secretary
- A tender feeling for myself - Burn-out protocol (
Emotion 10/2011
) - All of a sudden life said STOP - How we recapture the joy of living(Emotion 1/2013)
My clients come from the automotive, development cooperation, financial services, manufacturing, research and science sectors.
I am internationally oriented and work fluently in German, English and French.
Christiane Windhausen

Team und Coaches
Teaching coach, coach, facilitator
"It must come from the heart what is to work on hearts."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Short and sweet
- Yr. 1958, graduate psychologist, studied theology, education, social sciences and psychology (teaching profession). Today: consultant, trainer, coach, speaker.
- I train and accompany leaders from business, culture/media, health care, education - in corporate change processes and professional and personal transformation processes.
- The conscious handling of feelings plays an important role for me. But it's also about the history of the company. And about the personal biography of each individual.
- For the past 25 years I have also been active as a trainer in the field of systemic coaching and personal development.
Professional career
- Teaching coach at WANDELPLAN since 2011
- Since 1998 Coaching, training, consulting for executives, HR managers and change professionals, coaches and consultants
- Since 1996 consulting and supervision in the field of emotional self- and relationship management
- Since 2001 SONNOS transformation forge
- From 1996 - 1998 Management PTG (Personality Training and Development Company)
- From 1997 - 2014 PAARtout (Partnership Development in Work and Family).
- From 1998 - 2004 board of directors and management at Lebensschule e.V.
Focus of work
- Sparring and coaching of top managers and executives
- Transformation support for team leaders and employees during corporate change processes
- Promoting synergies in communities/teams
- Shaping relationships systemically (in professional partnerships, in networks,
as a couple, in the family) - Coaching and consulting for personal potential development
Further education
- Systemic organizational development and supervision (DGSV)
- Systemic Constellation (Norbert Mayer)
- Gestalt and ritual work (Paul Rebillot)
- Zen and Mindfulness (Richard Baker-Roshi and Thich Nhat Hanh)
- Spiral Dynamics (Don Beck)
- Sustainability - Theory U (Otto Scharmer)
- ECO Health Coaching (Erickson, ICF)
The fluid ego - Leadership begins with self-leadership
(Christiane Windhausen, Birgit-Rita Reifferscheidt) BoD - 2012- The body as terra incognita in change management. On the Power of the Physical in Counseling Interventions, in OrganizationalDevelopment. Journal for Corporate Development and Change Management - 2014
My clients come from the following sectors: engineering technology, insurance, agribusiness, retail, public service, financial services, arts and culture, education and training, management consulting, physical and health, IT service, e-mobility, aviation.
I work in German and English.
Tanja Strack

Team und Coaches
Consulting, customer service
"Nothing in the history of life is more constant than change."
Charles Darwin
Task area
- Organization and coordination of training courses and seminars
- Responsible for questions concerning the coaching trainings
- Supervision of trainers and coaches
- Creation of concepts for workshops, team development measures and
Leadership training
- Graduate biologist with 14 years of professional experience in the field of clinical research
- Systemic coach and change manager (further education recognized by DBVC)
Martina Mayer

Team und Coaches
Consulting, customer service
"If you want to be happy all the time, you have to change often."Confucius
Focus of work
- Advise clients on requests related to formats such as training, workshops, coaching, etc.
- Customer service: accepting inquiries, clarifying orders, designing concepts, preparing offers, etc.
- (Further) development of our matching platform and CRM system
- Neurosystemic Trainer (ISD)
- 20 years of experience in the printing and media industry
- Several years of experience as a team leader and in print procurement
- State. certified print and media technician, media designer
- Advanced training in online marketing (ILS)
- Experience in quality management (DIN EN ISO 9001)
- Pr. Trainer (IHK) and quality assistant
- Former. Competitive athlete (rowing)
Almut Probst

Team und Coaches
Leadership, Founder & Teaching Coach
"If you love what you do, you'll never work another day in your life."
Short and sweet
- Yr. 1973. Psychologist, married, 2 children
- Founder and Managing Director of the Institute for Organizational Consulting, Training and Coaching with a team of 25 coaches and consultants, Frankfurt and Alzenau, Germany
- Teaching coach in the continuing education program "Systemic Coaching and Change Management" and "Advanced Continuing Education/Coach the Coach
- 20 years of experience as a coach, trainer and consultant
Professional career
- Since 2005 foundation and management of the Institute for Organizational Consulting Training Coaching with 25 coaches and consultants in the team
- Since 2006 Head of the coaching training "Systemic Coaching and Change Management
- 20 years of experience as a consultant, trainer and coach in the field of personnel/organizational development
- Certified teaching coach of the Systemic Society (SG) and senior coach of the German Federal Coaching Association (DBVC), reviewer of the DBVC for further education, member of the DBVC board since 2016
- 3 years senior consultant in management consulting with management of international change projects
- 2 years managing director of the BDP (Federal Association of German Psychologists) in NRW
- International projects abroad: India, Brazil, USA/ New York, Turkey
Focus of work
- Coaching trainings to become a systemic coach and change manager (basic and advanced training)
- Supervision of coaches
- Coaching of middle and top management
- Facilitation | workshops for team development, cultural development processes, strategy, conferences, large group events (open space, World Café)
- Leadership development and training | Communication, conflict management, leadership, health, self-management, emotion management
- Organizational development and process support | cultural development, value development, mission statement development and implementation, support of change processes, healthy culture.
Further education
- Systemic Coaching (further education recognized by DBVC)
- Systemic consulting and organizational development
- Online Facilitation, Online Coaching
- Large group moderation
- Conversational Psychotherapy
- Potential-oriented psychotherapy (Gestalt work, body therapy, etc.)
- NLP Master
- Personality Profiles (GPOP/ MBTI)
- Common Ground team model (chapter) in
Train the Coach: Concepts
- 2017 - First appreciate what exists (Interview) In
DUZ Magazine
- 2013
I work with nationally and internationally active companies from a wide range of industries (financial services, insurance, development cooperation, consumer goods, automotive as well as research and science).
I work in German and English.