GTC Download PDF

1. Scope

These General Terms and Conditions apply to all services (consulting, training, facilitation, coaching) and offered trainings, seminars and events of WANDELPLAN GmbH. Deviating agreements, in particular contradictory terms and conditions, require our express written consent.

2. Offers for services (consulting, training, moderation, coaching etc.)

All offers are subject to change. Prices and effort estimation are based on the knowledge at the time of bidding. Subject to change without notice. Offers made orally or by telephone shall not become binding until the following written confirmation has been received. WANDELPLAN GmbH is entitled to fulfill its obligations to the customer through third parties.

3. Participation requirement advanced trainings

Participants have completed vocational training or a university degree and have at least 5 years of professional experience. As a rule, a minimum age of 30 years is recommended.

The training courses are strongly practice-oriented and require the willingness to actively bring one’s own current professional concerns into the training group and to be accompanied by a training participant as a coach or consultant. These take place in a small group setting while maintaining confidentiality.

The training courses also include parts of self-awareness and presuppose the ability for self-reflection as well as the willingness to work on one’s own personality.

4. Registration trainings and seminars

Please register for our training courses and seminars in writing using the registration form. With the registration you accept the terms and conditions. The date of receipt of the contract (order) decides on the participation in the respective training or seminar. The registration is binding as soon as you receive a written confirmation by mail from us.

5. Participation fee advanced trainings and seminars

Please refer to the respective registration form for the amount of the participation fee.

6. Payment modalities

Consulting, training, facilitation, coaching, etc.: The costs are invoiced monthly in arrears according to expenditure and are payable upon receipt of the invoice without deduction. All prices quoted are exclusive of the legally prescribed VAT, unless this is already openly shown in the agreed price. Timely receipt of payments is part of the terms and conditions.

Training courses and seminars: After successful registration and signing of the contract a deposit of 500,- € has to be paid. The remaining training costs are then due up to four weeks before the start of the training. If, in addition, another payment modality in 2 or 7 installments is desired, this can be addressed to WANDELPLAN GmbH in writing using the attached payment agreement form. Timely receipt of payments is part of the terms and conditions.

7. Withdrawal/cancellations by participants/customers

Consulting, training, facilitation, coaching, etc.: If the scheduled service is cancelled by the customer within eight weeks before the scheduled date, 50% of the services plus VAT will be charged. If the scheduled service is cancelled by the customer within four weeks before the scheduled date, 75% of the services plus VAT will be charged. VAT in downtime costs will be charged. If the service is cancelled by the client within one week before the scheduled date, the full fee plus. VAT invoiced. The cancellation costs include not only the fee but also all booked services such as hotel, room costs etc., if these cannot be cancelled free of charge at that time. Should a timely alternative date be found, this rule may be waived in exceptional cases. This requires the written consent of WANDELPLAN GmbH.

Open Training courses and seminars: After binding registration, cancellation is possible up to eight weeks before the start and only for good cause. In case of cancellation a handling fee of 300,- € for multi-module trainings and of 100,- € for one to two day seminars is due and payable within 14 days after cancellation. In case of rebooking to another training course, the processing fee is 150,- €. If the cancellation takes place less than eight weeks and up to 15 days before the start of the first module, the cancellation fee is 600,- €. From 14 days before the start of the first module, the full course fee must be paid unless the training or seminar place can be filled by a substitute participant to be provided by the contractor. The full participation fee is also due if the participant leaves the training course prematurely at his/her own request or if there is a justified reason for the participant to terminate the course. WANDELPLAN GmbH must be notified in writing of any cancellation prior to the start of the training course, as well as of any decision to cancel the training course or any wish to change the booking.

8. Missed seminars/ training modules

If the capacity of free places permits, it is possible to make up missed modules in the current parallel course or, in exceptional cases, in the follow-up course. Reimbursement of the costs of missed modules is not possible, as the training must be booked as a whole. In principle, however, there is no entitlement to make up missed modules.

9. Failure regulations

The designated trainers/facilitators/consultants/coaches agree to personally perform the scheduled services. If the person is unable to perform the service/training/seminar for reasons for which he/she is not responsible or for health reasons, a suitably trained colleague will take over the performance or an alternative date will be agreed.

In the case of consulting/moderation/coaching, this requires the agreement and consent of the customer. In coaching, a later alternative date would be sought due to the person-specific nature.

In the case of training courses and seminars, WANDELPLAN GmbH reserves the right to assign the management to a suitably trained colleague. In this case, the participants will be informed promptly.

10. Certification advanced trainings/ seminars

Participants receive a certificate of participation with a detailed description of the training content of the respective training, provided that they have completed all associated modules.

To receive the DBVC recognized certificate “Systemic Coaching and Change Management” by the training institute in the last module, the following requirements must be met: Full participation in all modules (200 UE), learning in small groups (50 UE), 20 documented coaching cases (20 UE), final paper and self-study (50 UE), demonstration of a successful coaching session.

Certificates of attendance will be issued upon completion of the respective training, provided that the entire participation fee has been paid.

11. Organizational and content changes of the trainings

The trainings and seminars are conducted according to the public descriptions. However, we reserve the right to change individual contents of the training or seminar for updating or for reasons of content, methodological-didactic and/or organizational reasons, provided that the overall character and the training objectives are fundamentally maintained.

12. Data protection and confidentiality

WANDELPLAN GmbH undertakes to maintain confidentiality vis-à-vis third parties about all details of the organization of the principal or his customers that become known to it, insofar as these details by their nature are to be treated confidentially.

By signing the registration form, participants agree to maintain confidentiality during and after the training/seminar with regard to all personal information of the training participants.

By registering for training courses/seminars, participants agree to the electronic storage of personal data for the purpose of event organization and for the subsequent sending of further information about WANDELPLAN GmbH activities. The registration data is subject to the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act. We do not make this personal data available to third parties.

13. Copyright

The participant documents provided by WANDELPLAN GmbH are protected by copyright and may only be used for personal use. Reproduction, transfer or other use of the documents is only permitted with the express consent of WANDELPLAN GmbH.

14. Severability clause

Should one or more provisions of this Master Agreement be or become void or ineffective, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby. Instead, the void or invalid provision shall be replaced by a provision that comes as close as possible to the originally intended meaning.

15. Place of jurisdiction

The place of jurisdiction for all disputes is the registered office of WANDELPLAN GmbH. The relations between WANDELPLAN and the customer shall be governed exclusively by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Alzenau, 02/14/2022

Almut Probst (Managing Director)