Appreciate the journey so far

In order to convince people to change, it is absolutely important to appreciate past behavior. We assume that people generally do their best. In our workshops, this is therefore made clear right at the beginning. For example, the manager can focus on what was good and useful in the past and what is needed for the future, e.g. due to strong growth.

Resource and solution orientation

In order for participants to be able to find new and creative solutions, they need a positive mindset. This can also be demonstrated neurophysiologically. Instead of focusing on cause, lack, or blame, we try to look more together at what is already going well and how more of that can be lived. In the workshops, we focus on the moments in which the desired goals have already been achived. Conversely, this does not mean that we do not look at the problems and challenges – on the contrary. Only when all participants are in their resourceful state, they will look at the “problems” in a completely different way and will be able to solve even complex issues faster and better.

Practice. Practice. Practice.

The theory is outsourced as much as possible. Participants can read or re-read things aloud or interactively go deeper via our Elearning platform. During the attendance times, the focus is on practice: In the introductory round, the participants name their concrete practical cases or questions. Instead of constructed role plays, we then work on real cases from corporate practice; the participants are themselves. Often in trainings something is “practiced”, then there is feedback and that’s it. We try that after the feedback the situation is repeated and the manager tries the behavior again directly with the integrated feedback. Implementing the “new” behavior in training facilitates the transfer to everyday business life.

Situational approach

We develop a concept in advance, but on-site in the workshop or training, we understand even better what best contributes to the solution/objective achievement. Then we adapt the process on-site and in the situation to the needs of the participants. We keep the goals of the module in mind.

Every individual counts. And any personal request.

Every group in a training or workshop is different, and each person has a unique challenge and story. Therefore, in the introductory round, the personal concern of each individual for this training or workshop is requested. These points are the standard by which our trainers are guided.

We don't know any better.

Our attitude is that the best solution lies within the system itself and with the stakeholders. Our task is to bring people back into good dialogue and create a learning atmosphere in which innovative solutions to complex challenges can be found. We like to bring in our lived experiences from many years of working with people and organizations – but always as offers and possible ideas – and always with the attitude that things can go quite differently. This is because it allows the process to remain flexible throughout and to keep reinventing itself.

We develop our approaches together with the customer.

The knowledge of internal stakeholders is important to us. That is why our content changes with the companies and the tasks. We continuously update our content based on new developments in companies and society. In all of this, we incorporate our knowledge from experience in organizations or in working with people.


Accompanying accelerated systems with high complexity requires calm and space to find extraordinary solutions. We consider managing one’s condition more important than any technique or method. Because conditions are transmitted.