Occasions for Personal Coaching

Our attitude
& processes

& Cost

Inquiries &
first steps

Career coaching, career start

Are you looking for a career change or a completely new orientation, e.g. after a family break, time out, or leaving a company? Or you want to make a career in your company, but don’t really know how? Want to move into an area that’s new to you? Our coaches reflect your own resources, explore possibilities, and design future plans with you. On a very practical level, the coaches can also reenact job interviews with you or do video coaching on how to be effective in interviews.

Vision, What do I really want in life?

You have already achieved a lot, but you are not really happy? Are you in the middle of your life and want to consciously choose how to shape the rest of your life? Do you want more meaning in your life? Or have you successfully completed your studies/training and don’t quite know which direction you want to go in? There are so many options, and you are having a hard time deciding?

Managing exhaustion and stress

You often feel exhausted, have the feeling that you can’t cope with everything anymore, or that you can’t really do justice to anyone? You would like to stop yourself, but can’t? With coaching, you can interrupt patterns, try out new behaviors, and sustainably get more balance. Or do you already have first symptoms like sleeping disorders, tinnitus etc.? We accompany you and also help/advise whether you are in good hands in coaching or at what point therapy or a stay in a psychosomatic clinic would be necessary.

Farewell and mourning

You have lost a loved one and are looking for accompaniment in your grief? Do you want to say goodbye to someone or something from which there could be no more goodbyes? A parent who died suddenly. Or a job you had to leave (badly). Goodbyes can be made up in coaching, so you can integrate things and let go.

Life balance, compatibility with job & family

Are you wondering how you can better balance your career/job and relationship/family? You want to be successful, be a good mother/father and there is no time left for yourself? With coaching, you can find out how to reshape your everyday life, what is most important to you, and how to become more balanced again.

Relationship and partnership

Relationships fail or turn out to be very difficult and you wish to have a happy relationship or partnership? Are you in a committed relationship or marriage and still love your partner, but everyday life has taken over and there is hardly any time left for togetherness? Together with the coach, you can look for your own patterns in your relationship behavior, dissolve hindering beliefs, and meet your partner in a new way.

Understanding life history, dissolving patterns

Some experiences in our history have deeply shaped us and lead to behavior that no longer suits us or that we no longer want. But sometimes it is difficult, despite all the knowledge, to discard the habitual behavior. Thus, current crises such as job loss or separation from a partner can reactivate old experiences. Then it takes a coach to help untie the knot, integrate painful experiences into today, and use the skills learned as resources for the new. This does not always require psychotherapy, but sometimes a look back is enough to understand parallels and entanglements. In coaching, the past is left alone and the focus is on today and the future.

Constellation in individual coaching

You want to take a look at a network of relationships, e.g. your family or a group you are in, for example, to resolve conflicts or to let go of something. Our coaches work with set-up pieces that are placed on a board and then moved to achieve a new solution. Or they work with ground anchors, e.g. cards on the floor, on which you (alternatively the coach) can stand to feel into the individual perspectives with the goal of finding a better solution for the overall system.

Reintegration after hospitalization

After a hospital stay, many people find it difficult to cope well with the tough transition to a busy professional life. Often there is no further accompaniment from the clinic, and so people go from one extreme to the other. Then it can easily relapse into old behavioral patterns or renewed hospitalizations. At this point, coaching can provide good support in putting the insights gained in the clinic into practice.

Food Coaching

You would like to change your eating habits or eating behavior and can’t do it on your own yet? Our food coaches are specially trained to help you with their experience – whether it’s eating differently or losing weight.

Breaking habits through hypnosis

Do you want to change habits and regularly fail to do so? Hypnosis provides access to the unconscious mind, where experiences and beliefs are stored. Hypnosis is not magic either or will put you to sleep from which you will wake up as a new person to clear up such misconceptions right away. In fact, in a hypnotic trance, it is possible to work on topics in a particularly deep way, and thus solutions can often be found more easily than in classical coaching. They are involved with all their senses.

Young people

Young people can also have big questions or come into crisis. For example, pressure to perform, lack of orientation regarding career choice/future, lack of perspective, separations, or simply the feeling of emptiness without knowing why. Often the parents or relatives want to do something but feel helpless. Our coaches are empathetic and can help understand what is happening. Often it already helps to classify things in order to find the strength for a new beginning. The coaches help with practical steps and also involve the environment/family as needed. It can also be clarified whether there is a need for psychotherapy.

Systemic attitude in coaching

Systemic coaching takes place in an appreciative dialogue and on an equal footing between the coach and coachee. Our basic attitude is that every person already has within him/her everything he/she needs to find a solution. In this respect, we understand our role as a coach as that of a “resource discoverer”, “impulse initiator”, “solution promoter”, and “mirror giver”. The latter means that in coaching we mirror how we perceive the coachee in forming relationships with us as a coach.

To understand the coaching concern and the coachee, we not only look at the person of the coachee but always at the person holistically in context, e.g. in the family or also in the company where the person works. The mechanisms of action present here always play a role as well. In this way, we can precisely delineate which levers lie in the person of the coachee and which in the system.

Our methods in coaching

Mirroring resources

Systemic questioning techniques


Constellation work in individual settings

Chair work from gestalt work

Biography work

NLP Tools

Timeline work

Provocative methods

Video Coaching

Procedure of a coaching process

Contacting: You contact us by phone or by e-mail.

Initial meeting: In a non-binding initial telephone conversation, we first clarify the extent to which coaching can be helpful for you. We ask initial questions to clarify your coaching concerns and understand where you want to go on your journey. We can get to know each other a bit and you will get an impression whether a joint coaching is imaginable. You will receive information about our way of working, time frame, place and costs for the coaching. The initial consultation is free of charge.

1st coaching meeting: In the 1st coaching session we clarify the goals for the whole process. After that, we’ll start working on your issue right away. If the fit between you and the coach is good and you are satisfied with the results, schedule additional coaching appointments with the coach at the end of the session as needed. The coach can also give an initial estimate of how many more coaching calls it will take. In each case, they pay for the sessions that have been held. The coaching sessions last 1-2 hours each and are billed on a time and material basis.

Additional coaching sessions As needed, e.g. 3 x 2 hours for small concerns or 6 x 2 hours for longer processes. The scope depends on the concern and is individual.

Evaluation: Together with the coach you evaluate the coaching process and look back on what you have achieved.

What means coaching

Professional advice, guidance and individual support, that’s how we at WANDELPLAN understand our personal coaching. A good coach enables the recognition of the causes of problems and helps to identify the processes that lead to them. In the process, our clients develop their own solutions to further develop their attitudes and achieve effective results. An important feature of our coaching is the promotion of self-reflection, the self-directed expansion of possibilities, perception, experience and behavior.

As a certified training institute we coach according to the guidelines of the DBVC

General conditions & costs

Duration: A coaching session lasts between 1-2 hours. In the case of face-to-face coaching, the scope is usually 2 hours, and in the case of online coaching, which is often done at short notice or between 2 face-to-face coaching sessions, the scope can also be shorter, e.g. one hour.

Location: The face-to-face coaching sessions usually take place at the coach’s premises. We conduct the online coaching sessions using a video conferencing tool. If you have any questions here or are unsure, our Office Team will be happy to advise or assist you in advance.

Coaches: You can find an overview of our coaches in our consulting team

Cost: For private payers the fee is 150 €/hour plus VAT

Packages: If you discuss the scope of the coaching together with the coach and it becomes clear that you need several coaching sessions, you can also book cost-effective packages.

Package 3 hours

e.g. 3 x 1 h or 2 x 1.5 h

430 € (instead of 450 €)

Package 6 hours

e.g. 6 x 1 h, 4 x 1.5 h or 3 x 2 h

850 € (instead of 900 €)

Cancellation: Cancellation or rescheduling of mutually agreed coaching sessions is possible until 2 days before the appointment at the latest. After that and in case of unexcused non-attendance, the agreed remuneration is owed.

Quality & Ethics

As coaches we assure absolute confidentiality about the contents of the coaching. We are certified in accordance with the guidelines of the German Federal Coaching Association (DBVC) and the International Organisation for Business Coaching (IOBC) and are guided by the principles set out in the Code of Ethics of the DBVC and the IOBC. In addition, we regularly take part in further training, intervision and supervision in order to regularly reflect on ourselves on the one hand and to bring new impulses into coaching on the other.

Are you interested in personal coaching?

Then please send us an email to hello@wandelplan.com or contact us by phone (06023-9189494).

In a non-binding initial telephone conversation, we then clarify the extent to which coaching can be useful for your concerns. We ask initial questions to clarify your coaching concerns and understand where you want to go on your journey. We can get to know each other a bit and you will get an impression whether a joint coaching is imaginable. You will receive information about our way of working, time frame, place and costs for the coaching. The initial consultation is free of charge.