• Burgstraße 3, 63755 Alzenau, Germany
  • +49-(0)6023 9189494

Phone appointments

You want to start with the Basic Coaching training? If so, please schedule a phone appointment for the initial consultation with one of our instructional coaches.

Select online appointment

Coming from the A3: At the Seligenstädter Dreieck interchange, take the A45 toward Dortmund/Gießen, exit 44 Alzenau Nord. At the roundabout, take the exit in the direction of Alzenau Zentrum. Follow the road St2305 5.4 km and turn right on Burgstraße. Turn off in the direction of Alzenau Zentrum. Follow the signs of the parking guidance system to the castle parking lot.

Coming from the A66: At the Hanauer Kreuz interchange, take the A45 toward Aschaffenburg, exit 44 Alzenau Nord. At the roundabout, take the first exit in the direction of Alzenau Zentrum. Follow the road St2305 for 5.4 km and turn right onto Burgstraße towards Alzenau Zentrum. Follow the signs of the parking guidance system to the castle parking lot.

By train from Frankfurt: By RB or RE towards Aschaffenburg/ Würzburg exit at Kahl am Main train station. Take the RB towards Schöllkrippen (track 1) to Alzenau Burg. Then, it’s a 200 m walk to Burgstraße 3

With the Alzenau City Bus: Take the bus from Kahl am Main train station to Alzenau bus station.