The ACADEMY training courses are a space where I like to be most professionally. What a happiness to be able to accompany people for a year, to grow personally, so as to be able to accompany others better. In their most beautiful moments, when they discover their unexpected abilities and in their sad moments of shadows. People who are there voluntarily and just want to learn something. Nothing better can happen to you as an instructional coach. I always experience it as a gift. And each group is so different and develops its own unique culture.

Short and sweet

  • Yr. 1973. Psychologist, married, 2 children
  • Founder and Managing Director of the Institute for Organizational Consulting, Training and Coaching with a team of 25 coaches and consultants, Frankfurt and Alzenau, Germany
  • Teaching coach in the continuing education program "Systemic Coaching and Change Management" and "Advanced Continuing Education/Coach the Coach
  • 20 years of experience as a coach, trainer and consultant

Professional career

  • Since 2005 foundation and management of the Institute for Organizational Consulting Training Coaching with 25 coaches and consultants in the team
  • Since 2006 Head of the coaching training "Systemic Coaching and Change Management
  • 20 years of experience as a consultant, trainer and coach in the field of personnel/organizational development
  • Certified teaching coach of the Systemic Society (SG) and senior coach of the German Federal Coaching Association (DBVC), reviewer of the DBVC for further education, member of the DBVC board since 2016
  • 3 years senior consultant in management consulting with management of international change projects
  • 2 years managing director of the BDP (Federal Association of German Psychologists) in NRW
  • International projects abroad: India, Brazil, USA/ New York, Turkey

Focus of work

  • Coaching trainings to become a systemic coach and change manager (basic and advanced training)
  • Supervision of coaches
  • Coaching of middle and top management
  • Facilitation | workshops for team development, cultural development processes, strategy, conferences, large group events (open space, World Café)
  • Leadership development and training | Communication, conflict management, leadership, health, self-management, emotion management
  • Organizational development and process support | cultural development, value development, mission statement development and implementation, support of change processes, healthy culture.

Further education

  • Systemic Coaching (further education recognized by DBVC)
  • Systemic consulting and organizational development
  • Online Facilitation, Online Coaching
  • Large group moderation
  • Conversational Psychotherapy
  • Potential-oriented psychotherapy (Gestalt work, body therapy, etc.)
  • NLP Master
  • Personality Profiles (GPOP/ MBTI)


I work with nationally and internationally active companies from a wide range of industries (financial services, insurance, development cooperation, consumer goods, automotive as well as research and science).

I work in German and English.