"When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change." (Wayne Dyer)

Supervision for coaches is about reflecting on own cases (e.g. coaching cases, cases from workshops/ trainings/ OE, ...) and getting new impulses. The goal is to learn from experience and integrate for the future.

Procedure and contents of supervision

Entry and collection of coaching cases

Per participant min. one supervision/ coaching à 1 to 1,5 h, the others are present and also give mirroring/ impulses (mixture of supervision and collegial exchange)

Work on content-related topics or also methods/ models, if desired

Clarify questions about one's own role and self-management in assignments in order to be able to control oneself even better in the future

Clarify own coaching concerns

Receive impulses from supervision and also through collegial mirroring

Give a live coaching session yourself and receive a reflection on your own impact.


Cost per supervision (1 day)

280 € plus VAT for private payers
300 € plus VAT for corporate customers


Sat., 24.08.2024 (10-18 h), Düsseldorf
Sat., 16.11.2024 (10-18 h), Düsseldorf

Registration form

Supervision is a training offer for individuals or for groups of 6-10 participants.

The supervision takes place in Düsseldorf:

Christiane Windhausen
Erasmus street 15, Backspace
40223 Düsseldorf

Route planner Düsseldorf >


We schedule supervision sessions either with you as an individual or for a group. We are looking forward to your contact either by mail or phone.
Contact us