Year of birth: 1964

Location: Cologne

Target Groups: Individuals, middle managers, junior managers.

Main areas of work: Crisis management, support in change processes, shaping the future, resilience, conflict management.

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"I am convinced that we should all think into the blue from time to time in order to find unimagined spaces for thought and action. When we think into the blue, expanses and perspectives in thought and action emerge. The now becomes connected to the different perspectives of the future.""

Professional practice

  • 20 years of experience as coach, supervisor, organizational consultant, trainer, facilitator
  • 20 years of experience as a coach on the topics: personal change processes, crisis management, Changes of direction in private and professional contexts, self-management
  • In the Bundesbank experience in different levels in training and coaching


  • M.A. Social Behavioral Sciences (concentration in Industrial/Organizational Psychology/ Adult Education/ Industrial Sociology).
  • Systemic Coaching and Change Management (IInstitute WANDELPLAN, recognized by DBVC)
  • Systemic organizational consultant (Norbert Weishaupt, Cologne)

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