Hardly anything is still predictable and certain.

The world is becoming more digital, more global and increasingly "VUCA", i.e. complex, uncertain, dynamic and unpredictable. And since Corona at the latest, this uncertainty has also arrived in every private household. How can I prevent job loss, illness, quarantine and constant worry? What restrictions must I expect, how are the climate, economy and society developing? Everything remains uncertain and this situation challenges us anew. Previous rituals and habits often no longer work and the so important personal balance can be lost. As we engage in accepting these challenges, new levers can be developed for our balance in uncertain times. What is good for us in these uncertain times, what moves us forward, and how can we take good care of our balance?
Person balanciert auf Stein vor Sonnenuntergang

Target groups

Every person who is interested in exchange, new impulses and personal development for good balance is welcome.


  • Being able to accept uncertainty --> confident serenity
  • Know your own needs for balance better --> strengthened personal responsibility
  • Have new levers for balance available --> skill enhancement
  • Concrete personal implementation steps are developed --> tangible benefits

Contents and methods

Exercises for self-reflection

Learning to accept uncertainty

Levers for balance and stability

Personal application of the impulses

Collegial consultation

Targeted exchange of experience and feedback

Preparation of the transfer into everyday life


Matthias Blenke

Dipl. Psychologist, Senior Coach (DBVC)

Dates & Costs

On request (1.day from 10-19 h, 2.day from 9-15 h)

min. 8, max. 12 participants

690 € Private payer / 790 € Corporate customers

Additional costs:

Meal package for 2 days: 78 € (drinks and lunch)

If necessary, hotel accommodation (please book directly at the hotel and pay on the spot)

You would like to register for this Personality Seminar?

Then please send us the completed registration form by email to hello@wandelplan.com or by mail to our address. After receipt you will receive a confirmation by email. An invitation with further info will be sent 4 weeks before the event starts. If the seminar is fully booked, it is possible to be placed on a waiting list. As soon as a place becomes free, a participant moves up and is informed. We are looking forward to your registration!
Registration form

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